RIP Elisabeth Slayden

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The BBC has announced that Elis­a­beth Slay­den, who played Sarah Jane Smith, one of the Doc­tor’s longest-run­ning com­pan­ions on the British series Doc­tor Who and its spin-off The Sarah Jane Adven­tures, died on April 19th. She was 63.

Com­men­tary: Sarah Jane Smith was not the first Com­pan­ion I saw, but she was by far the most mem­o­rable one of my ear­ly Doc­tor Who expe­ri­ences. Cheek­i­ly imper­son­at­ing her sci­en­tist aunt to infil­trate UNIT, she quick­ly became a part of the team and a con­stant com­pan­ion to the mys­te­ri­ous Doc­tor for three and a half sea­sons. It was that longevi­ty that result­ed in anoth­er record: Sarah Jane Smith was prob­a­bly the most hyp­no­tized, mes­mer­ized and mind con­trolled Com­pan­ion, to the point she was tremen­dous­ly annoyed at it.

“I must be mad. I’m sick of being cold and wet and hyp­no­tised left, right and cen­tre. I’m sick of being shot at, sav­aged by bug eyed mon­sters, nev­er know­ing if I’m com­ing or going… or been… I want a bath, I want my hair washed, I just want to feel human again… and, boy, am I sick of that son­ic screw­driv­er. I’m going to pack my good­ies and I’m going home…”

The episodes of hyp­not­ic inter­est are:


1 comment to RIP Elisabeth Slayden

  • lyssa

    Sarah Jane Smith was also (briefly) hyp­no­tized before being placed in sus­pend­ed ani­ma­tion in “The Ark in Space.”