Five of seven days spent at work plus a two-hour interview process at a worksite 45 minutes away meant little time for much else this week, alas.
Reading: Much of my routine schedule was disrupted this past week, leaving little time for reading, research and writing. Then my limited reading time was distracted with a short story collection that I discovered in the world of a favorite author of mine, but which may have sparked an idea for a short story in that same world.
Research: I am following the current storyline in the Bleach anime series, following from the manga storyline, which has an interesting take on mind control. The antagonist apparently has the power to edit memories of people and has inserted himself into the lives of all the family and friends of the lead protagonist. I’m still not sure why the lead nor another protagonist have been left alone, except maybe to have fight scenes.There is also a couple of other protagonists who are also excluded from the effect but whose motives and actions are unclear. I’ll write up the details when the storyline is concluded.
I am also following the Star Trek / Legion of Super-Heroes comic series: the lead antagonist’s rampant success at conquest is largely because of the reality and mind control abilities of the “Macguffin” of the storyline. Looking forward to the final issue when the Macguffin gets its revenge.