“Emily and the Werewolf” by Herbie Brennan

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Is Emi­ly’s neigh­bor Farmer Osboro real­ly a werewolf?

Well, Emi­ly cer­tain­ly thinks he is, the way his face turns hairy and his teeth turn into fangs and his hands become claws and his eyes get red, but no one else does, and she’s cer­tain that he knows that she knows his secret. So what is a young girl sup­posed to do to defend herself?

She finds help from her grand­moth­er who is a witch, who gives her a book enti­tled “Pro­fes­sor Wham­mo’s Hyp­no­sis For Begin­ners” but its full of big words that she does­n’t understand.


Hyp­no­sis is an art in which almost any­one can learn some­thing they are some­thing to put a great deal of some­thing. The most some­thing some­thing in hyp­no­sis is the use of your eyes. The some­thing of your eyes is what some­thing those who come in some­thing with you and some­thing you do to bend them to your will. Thus, the first thing you must do to learn hyp­no­sis is to some­thing the some­thing of your eyes. Some­thing some­thing some­thing

Stuck with not know­ing half ot the impor­tant words, Emi­ly con­cen­trates on the pictures.

The first draw­ing showed a man with a lit­tle beard rather like Prof. Wham­mo seat­ed in a chair fac­ing a young woman rather like the pret­ty young woman in the pho­to­graph, except in the draw­ing she was wide awake.

The next draw­ing was almost the same except that now Prof. Wham­mo had raised one hand above his head. The young woman was star­ing at him intensely.

The draw­ing after that was the most inter­est­ing of the three. It showed Prof. Wham­mo lean­ing for­ward so that he was only about a foot from the young woman. Lit­tle light­ning flash­es were com­ing out of his eyes. The woman was gap­ing at him in astonishment.

She flicked through the remain­der of the book. There were many more pic­tures, but they all showed much the same thing, When Prof. Wham­mo made lit­tle light­ning flash­es come out of his eyes, peo­ple did what he told them, slept when he told them, and woke up when he told them.

Thus she tries and tries and tries and even­tu­al­ly learns how to shoot light­ning bolts from her eyes that entrance peo­ple. Her tech­nique works well enough on her grand­moth­er’s cat Mag­got and on her school­mates, but Farmer Osboro is made of stern­er stuff. She is almost about to be eat­en alive by the angry were­wolf when she remem­bers a spell her Grand­moth­er cast­ing and casts it on Farmer Oboro, turn­ing him into a sparerib, which is prompt­ly eat­en by Mag­got. But that’s not the end of Farmer Osboro, but it is an end to him becom­ing a were­wolf, and for that he thanks Emily.

Com­men­tary: Young adult and very young at that, but its kind of charm­ing in its own way. Cer­tain­ly very stereo­typ­i­cal, down to the pic­tures and the con­cept of light­ning bolts from the eyes (or the hands),

Rec­om­men­da­tion: Rec­om­mend­ed for the cute­ness fac­tor. Its a nice­ly illus­trat­ed and cute­ly pre­sent­ed YA piece.

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