‘Beguiler of Wills’ — Magic: the Gathering

Just as it seems every com­e­dy or dra­ma (tele­vi­sion, movies, radio, etc.) even­tu­al­ly adds some form of mind con­trol as a comedic or dra­mat­ic ele­ment, every game sys­tem or sup­ple­ment will also even­tu­al­ly add some kind of hyp­not­ic or mind con­trol mechan­ic or func­tion to the rule systems.

The lat­est expan­sion set from Mag­ic: the Gath­er­ing, Innistrad (or Dark Ascen­sion, both seem inter­change­able on the web­site), is a dark world with vam­pires, were­wolves and dark magicians.

Innistrad is a plane of men­ace and dread where every crea­ture hides a dark­er aspect. Here, hedo­nis­tic vam­pires stalk the shad­ows to quench their thirst, and the full moon can trans­form a sim­ple vil­lager into a sav­age were­wolf. Best to hud­dle inside, Planeswalk­er, lest the hor­rors of this world rend you limb from limb.

Said hor­rors should include the obvi­ous appli­ca­tion of vam­pire mind con­trol, how­ev­er, at least in the card released above, a dif­fer­ent hyp­not­ic par­a­digm is used, that of the beguil­ing enchantress. It appears to be the only such card in this release: Mag­ic: the Gath­er­ing has a host of oth­er cards with hyp­not­ic themes or effects, but this par­tic­u­lar one is espe­cial­ly notable for the sen­su­al imagery includ­ed with the gen­er­al theme.

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