The Return of the Hypno-Hustler!

Mar­vel is unleash­ing a new web com­ic series, the All-Win­ners Squad.

NECA Drafts "All-Winners Squad"

All Win­ners Squad: The “All-Winners Squad” is an ensem­ble of Mar­vel cult favorites. Togeth­er these pre­vi­ous­ly over­looked char­ac­ters are des­tined to make an impact in their own irrev­er­ent way. At long last, the All-Win­ners Squad will break free from com­ic book pages and obscure cor­ners of the Inter­net, spread­ing their unbri­dled awe­some­ness to fans everywhere.

The All-Win­ners Squad is tru­ly any­thing but awe­some: its a col­lec­tion of for­get­table and for­got­ten sec­ond-raters and beyond, heroes and vil­lains and oth­ers. Mem­bers include such for­get­table char­ac­ters as Frog-Man, the Wal­rus, the Uni­corn and Ruby Tues­day under the direc­tion of Mr. Fish and the Trapster.

Oh, and the Hyp­no-Hus­tler. And Squir­rel Girl and Howard the Duck.

The Nation­al Enter­tain­ment Col­lectibles Asso­ci­a­tion, Inc. (NECA), in part­ner­ship with Mar­vel Con­sumer Prod­ucts, will bring their noto­ri­ous­ly hip cre­ative to a full line of off­beat All-Win­ners Squad mer­chan­dise launch­ing this fall. Toys, appar­el and col­lectibles will cel­e­brate the sol­i­dar­i­ty of these new­ly revived char­ac­ters. The line casts the spot­light on each mem­ber of the All-Win­ners Squad, giv­ing each a chance to shine indi­vid­u­al­ly as well as with their squad comrades.

If noth­ing else, it means I could actu­al­ly get a Hyp­no-Hus­tler col­lectible fig­ure for the col­lec­tion. How­ev­er, the char­ac­ter art­work showed me some­thing I did­n’t fig­ure before: for a lead man in his band, the Hyp­no-Hus­tler plays a bass guitar.

Now I expect some will rise to the defense of Howard the Duck and Squir­rel Girl. I know Howard the Duck was one of big names at Mar­vel back in the days and Squir­rel Girl was some of Steve Ditko’s last work at Mar­vel, but nei­ther are hard­ly that big these days. I was nev­er a big fan of Howard the Duck although some of ear­ly stuff was amus­ing. Cer­tain­ly they’re out of place in this line­up, just because they both weren’t vil­lains like the rest.

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