A Comics-Based Makeover

From the “Geeks Are Sexy” web­site: cos­met­ics from MAC Cos­met­ics inspired by the comics char­ac­ter Won­der Woman.

And just what would that have to do with hyp­no­sis? Well, remem­ber­ing Won­der Wom­an’s mag­ic las­so, which had the pow­er to force any­one caught in it to obey her will (or any one else who was hold­ing it, as she was often the one caught in its coils) and I just had to think that just about any prod­uct relat­ed to the char­ac­ter could be hyp­no­sis-relat­ed. And sure enough, one part of the line is: “Obey Me” nail pol­ish. I’m sure the name can be explained by the char­ac­ter­i­za­tion of Won­der Woman as a strong female char­ac­ter with a pow­er­ful charis­ma but the hyp­not­ic (and bondage-relat­ed) his­to­ry of the char­ac­ter is just too strong to deny.

The line is set to be released on Feb­ru­ary 10th

Com­men­tary: Please, can some­one dri­ve a stake through the heart of the 60’s era “Bang! Pow! Wham!” comics imagery and ref­er­ences? They were an embar­rass­ment even back then, a by-prod­uct of the over-the-top camp­ish­ness of the “Bat­man” TV series that became seem­ing­ly irre­triev­ably con­nect­ed with comics as a whole and embed­ded in the media when­ev­er comics are dis­cussed even to this day.


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