Hypnotic Beauty — Victoria’s Secret

Some­times serendip­i­ty pro­vides the mate­r­i­al for the blog, and this is one such case.

The name and com­pa­ny Vic­to­ri­a’s Secret is not one I should have the describe: suf­fice to say this is just the sort of thing I would expect from them.

Victoria’s Secret Hypnotic Beauty

The prod­uct here is a com­bi­na­tion of eye shad­ow and lin­er, lip­stick and blush make­up, with a def­i­nite Mor­roc­can / Indi­an theme to the pack­ag­ing and the col­ors themselves.  How­ev­er, I can­not deter­mine from the ref­er­ences whether this was a 2011 or 2010 release, and I haven’t had any luck find­ing it list­ed on the Vic­to­ri­a’s Secret online cat­a­log. Of course, it may have been released for a spe­cif­ic time peri­od (Fall) so it might not be in the cat­a­log at this time no mat­ter which year it was released.

Of course, this kind of pack­ag­ing tends to rein­force the stereo­types sur­round­ing hyp­no­sis (and I think I need to cre­ate some­thing that types that phrase auto­mat­i­cal­ly for me, giv­en the num­ber of times I use it) and female beau­ty, espe­cial­ly when it involves the eyes. This trope of a wom­an’s hyp­not­ic eyes has its roots not only in the folk­lore about “the evil eye” and its evo­lu­tion into the vam­pire’s mes­mer­ic gaze and the con­cept of “the eyes are the win­dows of the soul” but also in ele­ments of the seduc­tive ‘vamp’ who bewitch­es men, a trope that which goes all the way back to Bib­li­cal times and thereabouts.


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