‘Hypnotized’ by Shanadoo

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‘Hyp­no­tized’ by Euro­pean J‑rock band Shanadoo incor­po­rates a num­ber of hyp­not­ic images, espe­cial­ly spi­rals (some­times in the eyes of the singers.) It also uses a num­ber of Eng­lish words, includ­ing “hyp­no­tized” in the lyrics.

His­to­ry: ‘Hyp­no­tized’ was the group’s first orig­i­nal hit, even though its actu­al per­for­mance on the pop charts was less than expect­ed: before this, they cov­ered tracks from the Ger­man dance band E‑Rotic. Despite their Japan­ese ori­gins they are a Ger­man and Japan­ese act, all of which makes the use of the Eng­lish word “hyp­no­tized” that much more interesting.

Com­men­tary: It would be nice to know what they are singing about, but unfor­tu­nate­ly I have not been able to find an Eng­lish trans­la­tion for the Japan­ese lyrics.


  • In this video, each of the singers are wear­ing the stereo­typ­i­cal Japan­ese school uni­form look of white shirt, tie, skirt, high white socks and black shoes which is con­sid­ered a fetish cos­tume in Japan.

4 comments to ‘Hypnotized’ by Shanadoo

  • catnews

    I speak Japan­ese, but unfor­tu­nate­ly I can­not make out a lot of what they are say­ing! I will see if I can find the lyrics online and trans­late for you.

    • HypnoMedia

      I have searched and have not found any such trans­la­tion but I’m ham­pered by not know­ing Japan­ese to see if there is any­thing on any Japan­ese fan sites (or Ger­man, for that matter.)

      If you can find a trans­la­tion I would great­ly appre­ci­ate it.

  • catnews

    Sor­ry to keep you waiting:
    I won’t love any­more for eternity
    I don’t believe in things like chance encounters
    The princes of Haku­ba have all found oth­er princesses
    But sud­den­ly, ten­der eyes
    The floor shakes, (I’m) hypnotized
    My heart is bewil­dered, truth or lie ohh
    Ten­der eyes stare at me
    He’s such an ide­al hand­some guy
    Shock­ing truth or lie, ohh
    Sud­den­ly, kindness
    Oh I felt so weak
    I must not go under, I must not
    In a dream the two of us are
    danc­ing cheek to cheek
    Is this the start of a love story?
    But sud­den­ly, ten­der eyes
    The floor shakes, (I’m) hypnotized
    My heart is bewil­dered, truth or lie ohh
    Ten­der eyes stare at me
    He’s such an ide­al hand­some guy
    Shock­ing truth or lie, ohh
    But sud­den­ly, ten­der eyes
    The floor shakes, (I’m) hypnotized
    My heart is bewil­dered, truth or lie ohh
    Ten­der eyes stare at me
    He’s such an ide­al hand­some guy
    Shock­ing truth or lie, ohh

  • HypnoMedia

    Don’t be sor­ry: you’ve man­aged to do what I could­n’t, so you have my grat­i­tude and thanks.