No New Post this Weekend — On Holiday

Well, actu­al­ly not just because I’m tak­ing the week­end off for the hol­i­days. I caught was is always called “what is just going around” and it came around here. I had to leave a video gig because I was too weak to con­tin­ue stand­ing all the time, then spent that night and the whole next day and night switch­ing between the bed and the toi­let seat. 

I only start­ed feel­ing bet­ter yes­ter­day but was still low on ener­gy and I have a tough sched­ule start­ing Christ­mas Day through Jan­u­ary 1st, and since prepar­ing a blog entry (doing the research and the writ­ing) is tir­ing, I did­n’t want to push myself. (I even have a cou­ple of entries from the new comics this week that I could­n’t get myself to complete.)

So, Hap­py (Hyp­not­ic) Hol­i­days every­one, and I will return next year.

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